Original Jiffy Products – Your Proven Helpers in Growing Plants

Jiffy-7® – pot and ideal cultivating soil in one – for seeds and seedlings!

Fine netting is filled with high-quality peat and then compressed to form a handy pellet. Just add water, and the little planting wonder grows to up to seven times its size in a few moments. It is held together by fine netting, ensur­ing optimum air/water exchange. Also available in XXL, for larger plants.

Complete Jiffy Starter Sets with Jiffy-7®

Different versions available. The top of the range model Greenhouse 70 is self-watering, thanks to a fleece mat insert. Vented, translucent lids ensure a stable climate and reliable plant growth.

Jiffypot® und Jiffystrips® – organic planting pots in various shapes and sizes 

100% organic, certified as an aid for organic horticulture.



Jiffy®-QSM – Quick Soil Mix, a special cultivating soil mix 

Compressed peat pellets save space, are small, and lightweight but easy to use. The ideal cultivating soil: just add water and you’re done!

Jiffy germination and planting trays plus fitted lids

Tray made of opaque plastic for rooting protection and transparent plastic lid for ideal light. Available in various sizes and are reusable. The optimum product for sowing or for thinning/transplanting seedlings.

Jiffy greenhouses

Practical and robust indoor greenhouses for window-sills or planting shelves. High-quality design made of strong plastic with adjustable vents; reusable.